#BRW2022 – works council elections in 2022

Why is the works council so important?
Because the works council has a decisive influence in shaping the working conditions of employees not covered by standard collective agreements (the so-called AT-employees) – whether they like it or not. The collective interests of AT-employees in relation to the employer are all attended to by the works council!
Thus, the works council co-determines matters like the following on behalf of AT-employees: pay and bonus systems, the distribution of pay, and bonus criteria as well as conditions for variable emoluments, site working hours and the company pension plan.
The expertise of AT-employees must therefore be tapped to deal with issues that affect them. Specialist and managerial employees can exercise influence by electing their representatives!
Those who vote have a say and are in the thick of the action. VAA.
Why vote VAA?
VAA works councilors understand the concerns of AT-employees, because they are AT-employees themselves. They have precise knowledge of the in-house rules and act as advisors and contact partners on an equal footing. They air grievances and devise ways to remedy them. All candidates involved in VAA run in order to shape the work of the works council in the interest of the entire work force. They moderate between employees and their superiors and build bridges because they know and understand both sides.
For VAA, the work of the works council means engaging in constructive and cooperative co-determination, taking personal responsibility and helping the company to move forward – always in the interests of ALL employees.
What do we stand for?
The VAA candidates for the works council elections in 2022 stand for
- Fair pay and bonus systems: Draw up plausible criteria!
- Transparent assessment systems: Set clear-cut and logical performance assessment standards!
- Safeguard the company pension plan: Develop effective approaches to counter pension gaps in the future – especially in the interest of younger colleagues!
- Flexible working time arrangements: Offer working time models geared to the different stages of life, use the advantages of mobile work arrangements!
- Better balance between profession, career and family: Also in management positions!
- Digitisation: Seize opportunities without being exploited!
- Employee protection: Assure compliance with the highest standards!